Dynamic system generator

The main objective of this project is to generate a system from simple drag and drop workflow configuration. By configuring the steps, statuses and roles of a workflow, you can generate a full system. Let's take an example of a job applicaton workflow. You need a system with some steps such as:

  • Applicant filling a form with information
  • HR approving or declining the application
  • Team leader reviewing the application
  • Final decision

By simply configuring the workflow with drag & drop functionality, you can configure this system in just some minutes and be ready to use it. I will show a simple configuration of a job application system. This tool is used to configure complex workflows with hundreds of steps and thousands of users but for simplicity I will show a simple configuration.

Technologies used:

Figure 1. Workflow Configuration

In Figure 1, you can see the workflow configuration tool using drag & drop functionality. Each tile represents a step in workflow, green tiles are the starting points of a workflow and red tiles are the ending points of a workflow. Tiles are connected with each other to form the flow so the application can pass from a status to another. In this workflow, we can see the "Job Application" step which is the starting point. In this step, the applicant fills in some information about the job application as shown below.

Figure 2. Form Configuration

Figure 2 shows the configuration of a form. It is the first step configuration which is a simple form to get some information about the applicant. This tool uses drag & drop functionality where you can add many different components.

Figure 3. Job Application Form

After the workflow is fully configured (with roles and statuses too), users can use this application. The system will show a list of configured application that the logged in user can use depending on the roles. For this example, the applicant will have this workflow listed and can start the workflow since he has access to the first step. Figure 3 shows the form that applicant has to fill in (as configured in workflow). Below, you can see the dashboard of the current application and the next 2 steps taken from HR Manager and Team Leader (they approve the application and it will be send to the Boss for final decision).

Figure 4. Application Dashboard/Panel

Figure 5. Decision From HR Manager

Figure 6. Decision From Team Leader

Now the application is in a status when the Boss has to Approve or Refuse the application. This is the final decision. Below you see the dashboard/panel view of the Boss.

Figure 7. Dashboard/Panel View of the Boss

It makes sense to send some sort of notification to applicant for the status change of his application. This tool allows you to configure different types of notification in each step, email, sms or system notifications. Below you can see where you can configure the notifications.

Figure 8. Notifications Configuration